About Dr. Jim Johnson
Relator | Maximizer | Individualization | Learner | Strategic | Connectedness | Belief | Responsibility | Arranger | Woo
Dr. Johnson is an experienced and requested speaker, trainer, and consultant and has spoken, presented, and taught to varied audiences nationally and internationally within his professional responsibilities and experiences of leadership, team development, and personal well-being and life purpose.
- Certified Coach, Educator, Advocate/Advisor for Gallup Corporation Strengths-based initiatives in higher education and churches; coaching and training in Living your Strengths, Strengths Based Leadership and Engaged Church initiatives, and a Faith Advisor and Consultant for the Transforming Leaders Institute.
- Legal Consultant, Educational Specialist providing legal and educational consultation to parents, school districts, and educational agencies on mental health issues, disabilities, and educational programming, transition to work, post-secondary education, and community involvement
- Professor, Emeritus, Department of Psychology, and the School of Education, Point Loma Nazarene University
- Teacher and Administrator in California public schools for over 20 years, with educational experience at the local school, district, county, state, national levels including SELPA Director and State Consultant
- Developing Gallup Strengths-based initiatives in businesses, higher education, faith-based ministries and professional organizations with coaching and training for individuals, teams, and leaders
- Working with schools and supporting persons with learning/behavior problems, with specialization in working with persons with Autism, TBI, Attention Deficits, and Sensory-motor Integration issues
- Providing advocacy services and legal consultation for legal firms, schools, educational agencies, and parents in administrative issues, supervision issues, special education programs and services, sexual assault, Compliance and Due Process
- Developing, planning, and training of effective practices for making a difference in life and leadership through (1) Discovering Life Purpose, (2) Spiritual Formation, (3) Identifying Core Values and Beliefs, and (4) Life Planning through Executive Coaching for personal well-being and life purpose
Dr. Johnson is an experienced and requested speaker, trainer, and consultant:
- Advocacy & Legal Consulting
- Leadership & Team Development
- Life Coaching & Mentoring-Discipling