Advocacy & Legal Consulting

Advocacy and Legal Consulting

Advocacy and Legal Consulting

Dr. Johnson brings a unique depth and breadth of teaching, administrative, and counseling experience at the university level, in public schools, and private and clinical settings in offering innovative workshops and training nationally and internationally. Working with school leaders and teachers at all levels on innovation, creativity and accommodation for 21st Century Learners, he is a noted expert and speaker providing practical, realistic, and holistic interventions in support to families including those with learning or behavioral disorders or needs as well.

Dr. Johnson has extensive experience in due process advocacy, appropriate educational interventions and sexual assault in schools, particularly for those with sensory-motor integration issues, attentional disorders, and emotional or behavioral disorders. He brings over 30 years of noted expertise for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention issues, and Traumatic Brain Injury. He brings experience in education and law having worked with varied state and local legal offices and attorneys. He is an experienced expert in administrative policy and practice and has served as a consultant and expert or sexual assualt cases in educational settings.

  • Over 20 years of direct public-school experience and 40 years of experience supporting persons with disabilities
  • Experience and knowledge of administrative policy and procedure, mental health issues, disabilities, educational programming, transition to work, post-secondary education, and community-based instruction
  • Training and experience with learning/behavior problems, sensory-motor integration issues, and attention deficit issues, including individuals within the Autism Spectrum or with Traumatic Brain Injury

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